flash fiction loving doves (second entry)

this flash fiction is an entry for sunday photo fiction.

it is a weekly writing challenge where a photo is used as a prompt for a piece of fiction using around 200 words.


my second entry :

Why are you looking at me like that? Mind your business lovers. Brian whispers. “I’m tired, just two more clamber and I’m in the second floor.” He thought.
“It is a genius plan after all, No body thought of that before.” He smiled then continued his climb.
“It is still dawn so I wont be caught. Is this tube made of silk, I’m slipping all the way up? In the Internet it looked easy maybe because it is my first time.” He kept talking and wheezing.
He didn’t know if his fast heartbeats were caused by physical effort or excitement. “The window.” He gasped. “You still looking at me you two.” “Focus, it said put the closest hand on the window then the farthest.” He addressed himself.
“Mission accomplished, now just one final push and I‘m standing on the edge. The window is open. I only need to jump into the room.” He thought smiling.
“Alicia no don’t hit me…. no”
“aouch that hurt a lot ”.
“Are you all right? “Alicia shouted looking from the window. “What were you doing in my window?”
“Will you marry me?” Barely moving his hand holding ring box, laying in the road. “But first call the ambulance.”
“And you two stop looking at me, it is all your fault.” He growled.
The pigeons flew finally.


word count 220

thank you for reading.

you can find my first entry HERE.

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